听力原文: I enjoy talking to prople. Once you start getting regular customers, you take your time to talk, which makes the job more enjoyable. It also makes me wonder about people. Some people are out working like every penny counts. Other people, it's a status thing with them. They really like to talk about it. I had a man the other day who was buying stock. 'Oh, well, I'm buying fifty thousand dollars worth of AT & T, and I'm also interested in ... '. He wouldn't stop talking. He was trying to impress me that he had money, therefore he was somebody. Money doesn't mean that much to me. To me, it's not money to me unlesss I'm the one who's taking the money out or cashing the check. That's money because it's mine. Otherwise it doesn't re- ally mean anything, somebody asked ale 'Doesn't it bother you handling all that money all day long?'. I said, 'It's not money to me. I'm a magician. I'll show you how it works.' So I counted out paper. I said, 'Over there, at this window, it's nothing. Over there, at that window, it's money.' If you were going to think about it every minute: 'Oh, look, here's five thousand dollars, vow! Where could I go on five-thousand dollars? Off to Bermuda. ' You'd get a hang up, and so dissatisfied at having to deal with money that is not yours, you couldn't work. What is the speaker?