【简答题】翻译 请给我拿 10 只圆珠笔和 3 本记事本。
【单选题】yze the following code and choose the best answer: public class Foo { private int x; public static void main(String[] args) { Foo foo = new Foo(); System.out.println(foo.x); } }
Since x is an instance variable, it cannot be directly used inside a main method. However, it can be accessed through an object such as foo in this code.
Since x is defined in the class Foo, it can be accessed by any method inside the class without using an object. You can write the code to access x without creating an object such as foo in this code.
Since x is private, it cannot be accessed from an object foo.
You cannot create a self-referenced object; that is, foo is created inside the class Foo.
【简答题】已知纽约、法兰克福、伦敦三地外汇市场行情如下: 纽约外汇市场:1USD=1.9100/10 DEM 法兰克福市场:1GBP=3.7790/800 DEM 伦敦外汇市场:1GBP=2.0040/50 USD 试问如果有100万英镑,如何套汇?获利多少?
The young man killed his mother made a stir.
That the youn man killed his mother made a stir.
It made a stir the young man killed his mother.
【简答题】已知纽约、法兰克福、伦敦三地外汇市场行情如下: 纽约外汇市场:欧元/美元 = 1.1660/80; 法兰克福外汇市场:英镑/欧元 = 1.4100/20; 伦敦外汇市场:英镑/美元 = 1.6550/70。 试问上述三种货币之间是否存有套汇机会?若有,以100美元套汇能获利__________元。(保留两位小数)
【简答题】( )工具可以通过降低像素之间反差使图像色彩变模糊。
【单选题】坚持质量第一、效益优先,以( )为主线,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,提高全要素生产率。