【简答题】T ran sla tion : 1. The li brary is ne xt to t he c hu rch . 2. 电影院在超市对面 。 3. The car park is be twee n the ba n k and th e su p erm ark e t. 4. The ban k i s on W oo d R oad . 5. 教堂在银行和图书馆附近 。
【简答题】The car park is _______ the bookstore.
【单选题】The car park is ______ the bank and the supermarket.
【单选题】The car park is the left, from the post office.
【单选题】I’ll park the car at Pacific Place, the car park there is full.
【单选题】The car park is ___ the left,___from the post office.