【单选题】A DBA has been asked to create a table which will contain a substantial amount of detailed sales information for each calendar month and maintain it to contain only the last 12 months. Which of the fo...
Create an MQT that selects the oldest month of data with the REFRESH IMMEDIATE option.
Create 12 separate tables, create a view based on all 12, drop the table with the oldest month's data then drop and re- create the view.
Create a range partitioned table, partitioned by month, and use the ALTER TABLE statement to detach the oldest month and attach storage for new data.
Create a single table, extract the data to be retained using UNLOAD with a SELECT statement, drop and re-create the table then load only the data to be retained.
【单选题】Which of the following memory will lose the data stored in it when the power is gone or a malfunction occurs?
【单选题】The process which working on the different data-base will create ( ) processes. ( )
【单选题】下列有关人与金钱的说法中错误的是( )
人需要金钱, 但金钱只是人发展自我,造福社会的手段之一
【单选题】下列加下划线字的读音,全对的一组是( )
碑帖(tiè) 菁华(jin) 渐染(jiān) 魑魅魍魉(chi)
小讷(nè) 铜臭(xiù) 膻气(shān) 悻悻而去(xìng)
泯灭(mǐn) 颤动(zhàn) 熨斗(yùn) 瞠目结舌(chēng)
气馁(něi) 狡黠(xiá) 腼腆(diǎn) 酩酊大醉(mǐng)
【单选题】下列有关人与金钱的说法中错误的是( )
【简答题】下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( ) A .碑 帖 ( ti ē) 山 脊 (jǐ) 自 惭 形秽 (chán) 称 心如意( chèn ) B .泥 淖 (nào) 坍 缩 (d ā n) 迄 今为止 (qì) 蜚 短流长 (f ē i) C . 誊 写 (téng) 阡 陌 (mò) 畏 葸 不前 (xǐ) 弄巧成 拙 ( zhu ō) D .害 臊 (sào) 惩 罚 (ch ě ...