【单选题】 短文 2 Our visual perception depends on the reception of energy reflecting or radiating from that which we wish to perceive. If our eyes could receive and measure infinitely delicate sense-data, we co...
A mathematician can only solve problems the solution of which can be deduced from known axioms.
An animal can respond to no command that is more complicated syntactically than any it has previously received.
A viewer who has not learned, at least intuitively, the conventions of painting, cannot understand perspective in a drawing.
A sensitized film will record no detail on a scale that is smaller than the grain of the film.
A shadow cast on a screen by an opaque object will have a sharp edge only if the light source is small or very distant.
【简答题】 Passage Two: Today, ultrasonic( 超声的 ) waves are being put to work in laboratories and factories. If an ultrasound generator is placed in a liquid, the waves move the liquid back and forth hundreds o...
【简答题】患者女性, 27 岁,以停经两月余,剧烈腹痛半天伴少量阴道出血收住入院。入院时体检:呼吸 24 次 / 分,心率 98 次 / 分,血压 80/50mmHg ,体温 37.2 °C,子宫较正常稍大,软,阴道少量出血,暗红色,宫颈口关闭,腹痛(+),压痛(+),叩诊移动性浊音(+),宫颈抬举痛明显,后穹隆穿刺抽出约 20ml 暗红色不凝血,左侧附件可触及不规则包块。 问题: ( 1 )请分析该患者的...
【简答题】 选词填空 rebellious resent distract sensible reinforce status saddle allowance resort transition 1.The film attracted me so much as to_______ my mind from those problems. 2.He who is sound in m...
【简答题】患者女,29岁,因停经52天,阴道流血3天,右下腹疼痛1天入院。患者末次月经2013年5月13日。停经52天,近3天阴道点滴流血,色鲜红,今天上午无明显诱因出现右下腹疼痛,伴呕吐两次,今天下午3时排便时突然晕厥一次,遂来院就诊。发病期间否认阴道有组织物流出,无外伤,近期无史。3年前曾因盆腔感染服用药物治疗,效果欠佳。孕2产1. 体格检查:血压80/50mmHg,心率100次/分,体温正常,右下...