【单选题】美国教育史上著名的《摩雷尔法》旨在资助各州大办( )学院。
【单选题】已知一均匀带电球面,总带电量为q ,半径为R , 则球面内、外场强分别为()
【多选题】《孙子兵法》主要讨论与战争有关的军事问题,也涉及政治与军事的关系。其内容有:《始计篇》、( )、( )、《军形篇》、《兵势篇》、《虚实篇》、《军争篇》、《九变篇》、《行军篇》、《地形篇》、《九地篇》、《火攻篇》、《用间篇》。
【单选题】The young scientist has made such great achievements in his chosen field ______ nobody else can make.
【单选题】The young scientist has made such great achievements in his chosen field ______ nobody else can make.
【单选题】美国教育史上著名的《摩雷尔法》旨在资助各州大办( )学院。
【单选题】What has made young people more vulnerable to economic exploitation?
The belief that they must not challenge the elders or express their opinions.
The belief that they should be involved in decision
The belief that they are inferior to s.
The belief that they need protecting.