In my May 1996 electric bill from Utah Power and Light, they tell me that they are combating the CO 2 buildup in the atmosphere by buying rain forest in Belize and managing it for CO 2 removal rather than seeing it cleared and used for agriculture. They indicate that they will own or manage 120 000 acres, and that so doing" . .. could reduce greenhouse ga s emissions by 5.2 million tons over 40 years . " (a) Estimate the emission reduction in tons of CO 2 per acre per year. (b) A s suming that this is done by making wood, how many tons/( acre· year) of wood (dry basis) do they expect to be produced? Here assume that wood is 50 wt% carbon (dry basis) . (c) Assuming that there are 400 trees/acre, estimate how many pounds of wood growth (dry basis) per tree per year they are assuming. (d) UP and L's Huntington Power Plant (one of several they have) generates 840 MW of e lectricity. Its average use over a year is about 70% of the maximum possible (equivalent to operating at full capacity for 70% of the hours of the year) . Its thermal efficiency is ≈ 35%. If they use the "Typical Pittsburgh Seam Coal," in the examples in this book, how many tons of CO 2 will that plant emit in 40 years?