一放大电路的中频增益为 40dB ,上限频率 f H =1MHz ,下限频率 f L =100Hz ,输出不失真电压幅值 U om 为 5V 。若输入信号分别为 u i1 ( t ) =0.1sin(2π×3×10 4 t)V 、 u i2 ( t ) =0.1sin(2 π× 5 × 10 6 t)mV 时,则输出信号分别会产生
【简答题】请将划线部分翻译成汉语(请于 2 月 23 日 18:00 之前完成,在学习通上提交) 例1 In terms of numbers, the large population sizes of China and India means they have the highest numbers of obese children, with 15.3 million and 14.4 mill...
【简答题】请翻译下列两例中的划线部分(请于 2 月 22 日 18:00 之前完成,在学习通上提交) 例 1 In terms of numbers, the large population sizes of China and India means they have the highest numbers of obese children, with 15.3 million and 14.4 m...
【简答题】Geoge was a 55-year-old obese man who was admitted to the emergency room with severe chest pains. The physician suspected a results of the ECG showed ischemia to the myocardium. The patient did have ...