【简答题】甲数分解质因数是2×3×5,乙数分解质因数是3×5×7,甲乙两数的最小公倍数是( )。
【单选题】Usually we classify prefixes according to their _______ .
【单选题】Prefixes usually modify ___________.
the meaning of the original word
the part of speech of the original word
both the meaning and the part of speech of the original word
【判断题】Prefixes usually change the word class of the word, but not the meaning.
【单选题】甲数是乙数的3倍,甲乙两数的最大公因数是( )
【简答题】计算填表。 原数 96 117 639 108 297 199 1035 273654 各位上数字之和 15 9 原数是否有因数9 × √ 各位数之和是否有因数9 × √ (1)把表补充完整。 (2)你发现了什么规律? (3)按规律写出四个五位数,且都是9的倍数。( ),( ),( ),( )。
【单选题】The boy would rather _______ the story to himself than ______ it with his friends.