【单选题】男,35岁,4年多前出现鲜血便,常见便纸上有血迹,有时有鲜血覆盖于大便表面,并 伴肛门肿块脱出,平卧时可自行回纳。1个月前出现排便时及便后肛门口剧痛,便后鲜血滴出,疼痛可持续数小时。该病人患何种痔:
【单选题】听力原文:W: Mr. Johnson, I burned my hand when I was cooking. What would you recommend? M: Try this medicine and also take a Vitamin C tablet every day. W: Vitamin C? For a burn? M: Yes, a cut or a burn, ...
【简答题】The cut in my hand _________ a lot. (bleed, in sympathy with, think of, comfortable, operate, used to, discover, the moment, device, look forward to )
【简答题】When I was a child in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my father's friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman. He owned a large store in St Paul. Every summer, when the first watermelons arriv...
【单选题】男,35岁,4年多前出现鲜血便,常见便纸上有血迹,有时有鲜血覆盖于大便表面, 并伴肛门肿块脱出,平卧时可自行回纳。1个月前出现排便时及便后肛门口剧痛,便后 鲜血滴出,疼痛可持续数小时。该病人患何种痔
【简答题】The cut in my hand ____________ a lot.( bleed)