【简答题】该机场在招标过程中仅邀请了四家承包商,是否违反《招标投标法》? 某机场工程因技术难度大.工期紧,对施工单位的施工设备和同类工程施工经验要求较高。该机场方在对相关单位进行了考察以后,于2010年6月2日向具备承担该项目能力的A. B. C.D四家承包商发出了投标邀请函,四家承包商均接受了邀请,并于投标截止时间前递交了投标文件。经合法的开标.评标,按照招标文件中规定的综合评标标准,承包商C中标,并于2...
【单选题】Which of the following is(are) legitimate statement(s) about search engine’s business?
Search engine can be considered as “free” because we do not pay directly to a search engine to do a search
Search engine can be considered as “not free” because each search generates a carbon footprint that can potentially damage our shared environment which is a common good
Search engine can be considered as “not free” because the price of merchandise that we buy, having advertising on the search engine, includes charges from that search engine