【多选题】与雇佣管理、人事管理发展阶段相比较,人力资源管理价段的持点是( )。
【简答题】若一个三角函数y=f(x)在(0, π 2 )内是增函数,又是以π为最小正周期的偶函数,则这样的一个三角函数的解析式为______(填上你认为正确的一个即可,不必写上所有可能的形式).
【多选题】波西米亚风起源于嬉皮风格,那它延续了嬉皮风格中哪些积极的方面?( )
【简答题】下面有五个命题: ①函数 的最小正周期是 ②终边在y轴上的角的集合是{ } ③在同一坐标系中,函数 的图象和函数y=x的图象有三个公共点 ④把函数 的图象向右平移 得到 的图象 ⑤函数 上是减函数 其中,真命题的编号是 (写出所有真命题的编号)
【单选题】Puritan Movement in BritainThe first deeper wave of religious reform that the Anglican Church faced was the Puritanism. Puritan, named after "clean" or "purify", refers to the Protestants in the 16th ...
【多选题】Which of the following statement about American Puritanism is true?
American Puritanism refers to the practices and beliefs of the Puritans.
Its doctrines are like original sin, total depravity, predestination and limited atonement.
The writing style can be characterized as fresh, and direct
Its values include leisure, extravagance, impiety
【单选题】Puritan Movement in BritainThe first deeper wave of religious reform that the Anglican Church faced was the Puritanism. Puritan, named after "clean" or "purify", refers to the Protestants in the 16th ...
There still existed many Roman Catholic churches in the Church of England.
Queen Mary sent Puritans to go into exile in Europe.
They were deeply affected by Geneva and Zurich.
Elizabeth sent Puritans to go into exile in Europe.