【单选题】As to whether a higher minimum wage will cause job losses, the author thinks it's something of
【单选题】听力原文: (A = Alex S = Sophie) A: Job losses are expected at the Manchester plant of the beauty products manufacturer, Vie Vitale, Sophie Jones has been following the story and is in our Manchester studi...
【单选题】据唐代年间统计的全国户口数字 , 秦岭、淮河以南地区的户数占 45.5%, 以北占到 54.5%; 据北宋《太平寰宇记》所载北宋初期全国户数 , 秦岭、淮河以南地区的户数占 59.1%, 以北则为 40.9% 。这一变化 ( )
【单选题】There is an unquestionable link between job losses and______services.