【单选题】What difference does it make if we read texts displayed on a computer screen instead of on paper printed with ink? The computer certainly does not guarantee deeper comprehension, greater subtlety of m...
The deficiencies of the library in providing information.
The different applications of the computer and the library.
The advantages and disadvantages of the computer and library.
The advantages of the computer in search of information.
【单选题】善于运用 “ 底线思维 ” ,是我们党从历史兴替中得出的一条重要经验。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记始终告诫全党要树立 “ 底线思维 ” ,多次强调 “ 要善于运用 ‘ 底线思维 ’ 的方法,凡事从坏处准备,努力争取最好的结果,这样才能有备无患、遇事不慌,牢牢把握主动权 ” 。下列选项与 “ 底线思维 ” 所反映的哲理相一致的有 1 凡事预则立,不预则废(《礼记 • 中庸》) 2 宜未雨而绸缪,毋临...
【单选题】用锤子和手顶铁修理钢板时,为什么首先使用木锤? ( )
【单选题】What difference does it make if we read texts displayed on a computer screen instead of on paper printed with ink? The computer certainly does not guarantee deeper comprehension, greater subtlety of m...
The deficiencies of the library in providing information.
The different applications of the computer and the library.
The advantages and disadvantages of the computer and library.
The advantages of the computer in search of information.
【简答题】“蛋白精”三聚氰胺是08年中“宠物事件”和“三鹿奶粉”事件的罪魁祸首.三聚氰胺分子式为C 3 N 3 (NH 2 ) 3 ,又名氰尿酰胺,俗称蜜胺,为无色、白色晶体,这与蛋白粉相仿. 国际上使用最多的饲料蛋白质含量检测办法为“凯氏定氮法”,即测定受检饲料中氮所占的比例,再乘以一定系数得到蛋白质含量.蛋白质主要由氨基酸组成,其含氮量一般不超过30%,而三聚氰胺的含氮量比氨基酸要高得多,因此三聚氰胺就...