【单选题】He thought that computers would never be _____ most people.
【单选题】跨度6m、混凝土强度为C30的现浇筑混凝土板,当混凝土强度至少达到( ) / 时,方可拆除底模。
【单选题】In 'I hope never to see you from now on', the adverb never is used to modify ______.
the preposition phrase
【单选题】I have never seen the word ______ that way before.
【单选题】Which of the following is true of Emily Dickinson?
She was not a productive poet.
She saw many of her poems published.
She was not a sociable person.
She had contact only with a few poets.
【单选题】In 'Educated to be honest, that boy never cheats in the exam', the past participle is used as ______.
【单选题】下列各组物质的反应,需要加入酸碱指示剂才能判断反应是否发生的是 ( ) A . Fe 和 CuSO 4 溶液 B . Zn 和稀 H 2 SO 4 C . NaOH 溶液和稀盐酸 D .澄清石灰水和 CO 2
【单选题】I never listen to English songs the radio.I listening to MP5.
【单选题】Thanks is a common _____ used in English. You can never use it too much.
【判断题】意大利文艺复兴早期的建筑奠基人及其重要代表作品是米开朗琪罗 美狄奇府邸。