【单选题】It was no surprise that an awful accident ____ occur the day when they were drunk.
【单选题】It was quite a surprise to many that he should have been awarded the literary prize for the science fiction about an invasion of ________.
【单选题】---If you like the new house, I suggest you buying it. ---But it's really too expensive. I can't______ it.
【简答题】It was really a pleasant surprise to her marriage. 闻知其婚讯,喜出望外。
【简答题】给出下列四个命题: ①已知集合A?{1,2,3,4},且A中至少含有一个奇数,则这样的集合A有12个; ②任意的三角形ABC中,有cos2A<cos2B的充要条件是A>B; ③平面上n个圆最多将平面分成2n 2 -4n+4个部分; ④空间中直角在一个平面上的正投影可以是钝角; 其中真命题的序号是______(要求写出所有真命题的序号).
【单选题】My dad was_ ▲when he saw me__ ▲_ it when it was supposed to be a surprise.
shocking; putting on .
【简答题】标注角度时,角度的数字一律写成 方向,一般注写在尺寸线的 处;尺寸界线应沿 引出,尺寸线应画成 ,其圆心是该角的顶点。
【单选题】表面粗糙度代号中的数字书写方向与尺寸数字书写方向( )。
【单选题】—Can my lost wallet be found? —I'm not sure. But I _____someone will return it later. [ ]