【单选题】某病人因发热38.5℃、全身有小出血点、头晕乏力入院,经医院查血红蛋白80g/L,红细胞3×1012/L,白细胞3×109/L,血小板70×109/L,骨髓检查示多部位增生不良,确诊为再生障碍性贫血。 本病发生机理是
【简答题】挤出机的普通螺杆一般为为三段,分别是 段、 段和 段。
【判断题】根据变量的取值确定与否,变量又可分为确定性变量和随机变量。( )
【单选题】The ____________ not only refers to all the people living in a particular area or country but also the feelings of sharing the things and belonging to a group.
【单选题】( )the advice effect is limited.
【单选题】患者,男性,发热38.5℃,全身有小出血点,头晕乏力,经医院查血红蛋白80g/L, 红细胞3×1012/L,白细胞3×109/L,血小板70×109/L,确诊为再生障碍性贫血。其发热的主要原因是
【单选题】In the ________ future, all the people living in the village ________ will have to move to another place because of the expansion of the factory. [ ]
【单选题】People living in cities have easy _____ to all means of transportations.