【单选题】下列语句的执行结果是( ).s='hello'print(s[-3:-1])
【多选题】焊条牌号J422中,J表示( ),前两位数字42表示( )
【单选题】下列语句的执行结果是( )。 {1,2,3}&{3,4,5}
【单选题】We learn from the first paragraph that __________ for many years after the 13th and 14th centuries.
family names became descriptive and occupational
people in some areas still had no surnames
some people kept changing their surnames
all family names became fixed in England
【判断题】下列加横线的字注音完全正确的一项是:( ) A、厌 恶 ( wù )管 束 ( sù )广 漠 ( mò ) 质 问( zhì ) B、 责 罚( zé )眼 翳 ( yì ) 调 度( diào )轻 薄 ( bó ) C、 庶 祖母( zhé ) 嬉 戏( xī )抽 屉 ( tì )野 蛮 ( mán ) D、文 绉绉 ( zōu ) 绰 号( chuò )牢 骚 ( sāo )宽 恕 ( ...
【单选题】【3单选】下列语句执行结果是( ) int a = 5, b = 6, c = 7; printf("%d\n", a>b && b