一产品装配线计划每班出产 300 件产品,每班用于生产的时间是 500 分钟。表 1 是装配工序、每道工序的作业时间及紧前工序等信息。请:( 1 )画出装配工序先后顺序图;( 2 )该装配线的节拍是多大;( 3 )计算每小时装配 300 件产品的最小工作地数。 工序 工序作业时间(分钟) 紧前工序 A 0.69 - B 0.55 A C 0.21 B D 0.59 B E 0.70 B F 1.10 B G 0.75 C,D,E H 0.43 G,F I 0.29 H
【简答题】A.They locked the couple up in the drawing room. B.They seriously injured the owners of the house. C.They smashed the TV set and the telephone. D.They took away six valuable paintings.