【单选题】像昆虫叮咬能引起瘙痒一样,皮肤与植物的毒素接触也能引起瘙痒,对栎叶起的瘙痒研究发现,当与植物的毒素接触后,皮肤细胞会释放出引起红肿和发痒组胺,利用苯海拉明等抗组胺药物能治疗这类瘙痒,但还没有适合的药物来治疗异反应性湿疹等引起的瘙痒,对于后者,最好的建议就是,穿宽松的衣服,在任何情况下都不要用手抓痒。下列说法与原文不符的是( )。
【单选题】One of the most fascinating questions about human behavior. is each person is different from all others. The answer to this question would explain the aspect of human nature called personality. Some t...
【单选题】One of the most fascinating questions about human behavior. is each person is different from all others. The answer to this question would explain the aspect of human nature called personality. Some t...
【单选题】For each person it is certified to carry,a lifeboat on an oceangoing passenger vessel must be provided with all of the following EXCEPT().
【简答题】读墨累 — 达令盆地农业生产状况图,回答下列问题 。 (32 分 ) (1) 墨累 — 达令盆地的农业地域类型是 __________ ,分析促进该农业形成和发展的原因 。 (12 分 ) (2) 据图说明墨累 — 达令盆地农业生产模式的优点 。 (12 分 ) (3) 墨累 — 达令盆地农业发展的制约因素是 ____________________ ,形成原因是 ________________...
【简答题】Each piece is , an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.