【简答题】2 0 .某厂 10 月份发生以下经济业务: 1 、购入材料一批,材料当即验收入库,货款 15000 元尚未支付。 2 、收到国家投入资金 120000 元,款项存入银行。 3 、签发转账支票交纳税金 16000 元。 4 、通过银行汇款,偿还前欠异地供应单位货款 30000 元。 5 、原购货单位所欠货款 15000 元收到存入银行。 6 、从银行取得偿还期为半年,年利率为 8% 的一笔借款 2...
【简答题】A.It determines the standard of one to reach to some degree. B.It is the happiest period during one's life. C.It is the most important time to mold one's character. D.It is the best time for children ...
【判断题】在更换比亚迪秦动力电池时,需要将动力电池采样线上的插接件与电池信息采集器一一对应并插入, 听见“咔” 的响声即可。
【单选题】Which of the following statements about Jazz Age is false?
Jazz Age refers to the period after the end of World War II, continuing through the Roaring Twenties and ending with the rise of the Great Depression.
Jazz Age was an age of dramatic social and political changes.
The young set themselves free especially, the young women, during Jazz Age.
During Jazz Age, industrialization, ization, and modernization have brought unprecedented prosperity to the American society.
【单选题】What does an asset mean on the balance sheet?
It means all the assets recorded in a period of time.
It means the sum of all the individual asset amounts added over time.
It means the individual dollar amount.
It means accounting information expressed in special terms.