【单选题】(A) “Eat your breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day!” Why are parents always saying that? Any breakfast is better than no breakfast at all, but try not to have junk food all the time. Th...
【单选题】升入七年级的第一次班会课上,班主任老师在黑板上写下一幅对联:你一言,我一语,畅谈交流成集体;你清高,我憋气,不通有无非兄弟。这幅对联包含的深刻含义有 1要结识新朋友,珍视新友谊 2要与同学和谐相处,共同成长 3要把交朋友作为初中阶段最主要的任务 4要齐心协力创建良好的班集体 [ ] A. 123 B. 234 C. 134 D. 124
【单选题】听力原文:M: I tell you, these kids never stop eating a horse! W: I know—all I have to do is stand in the kitchen and whisper 'come and get it', and within 15 seconds all is gone. Q: What can we learn from...