【单选题】A:你最喜欢什么动物 B:当然是 !胖胖的身体,圆圆的眼睛,非常可爱。
【简答题】一、阅读下文,完成后面的问题。 猫人 (美)罗杰迪安 基瑟 我喜欢钓鱼。我最喜欢的钓鱼地点是在一个湖边,那个地方在加利福尼亚山区的一个城镇的小加油站附近,距我当初住的地方有三个小时的路程。 有一次,我穿过美丽的人造高山湖泊的小水坝,把车开到一侧,开始卸下鱼竿。忽然,我听到一声枪响,呼啸着飞过我的头顶。听到有人射击,让我大吃一惊,因为这是禁猎区,不允许打猎。另外,在我多年钓鱼的区域内,除了几辆拉...
【简答题】你喜欢哪种动物,猫还是狗? Which animal do you like __________ , a cat or a dog?
【单选题】What is the tradition for a new mom in an Asian culture when a baby is born?
She has to do the cooking
She has to do the house-straightening
She has to stay in bed
She has to go back to work
【判断题】In the west, it is a tradition to give a new-born baby a silver spoon or cup because it is the first tool for the baby.
【多选题】变量按其取值是否连续划分,包括有( ) prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>
随机性变量 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"? ?xml:namespace>
【单选题】The baby is a new ______ to our family.
【单选题】Since the new baby down the street is all dressed in pink, I___ that the baby is a girl.