【单选题】课程中的两种物流动力学框架,以下( )描述错误Which of the following is a wrong description of the two material dynamic frameworks in the present course( )
原始框架选用工业材料表征产品,而改进模型选用工业终产品表征产品 The original framework present products with industrial materials, while the improved framework chose the final products to represent product outputs
原始框架中没有考虑产品制造过程的物质损失,而改进模型中考虑了产品制造过程的物质损失 The material loss in manufacturing of products was ignored in the original MFA framework but was considered in the improved MFA framework
原始框架中没有考虑产品制造与产品报废的时间差,而改进模型中考虑了产品制造与产品报废的时间差 The time difference from product manufacture to its end of life span was ignored in the original framework but was considered in the improved framework
原始框架和改进框架都考虑了产品制造与产品报废之间的时间差 The time difference between product manufacture and its end of life span was considered in both the original and the improved framework