【单选题】People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed, h is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another ...
A person's instincts have little effect on his action
Environment is important in determining a person's behavior. and personality
Biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act
The behaviorists' view correctly explains how we act
【简答题】背景材料: A工程公司承担某安装工程施工,作业具有一定的危险性,且需要进行环境保护,承包合同约定,相关费用按建标[2003]206号文件的规定计取。合同还约定,工程以人工费为取费基础计算建筑安装工程造价。已知该工程直接工程费为50万元,直接工程费用中入工费为l5万元;措施费为4万元,措施费中人工费为1万元;间接费率为50%,利润率为30%,综合计税系数为3.41%。 根据背景材料,作答1~3题。 ...
【单选题】"How I wondered where they had gone" means _________.
how I wanted to know where my old friends had gone
how I wanted to know where to find the old songs
how I missed the past days
【单选题】--He got the first prize in his math contest. --Yes, I wondered how he did ____________.
【单选题】Many students listened to the lecture, but I wondered how much work they took________. [ ]
【单选题】________ I saw the beautifuldecorated house, I really wondered how she could manage that all by herself.