【简答题】A friend has written to you asking for information about the sports centre in your school, which you know quite well. Study the letter and the advertisement for the sports centre below, on which you h...
【简答题】下面给出的排序子函数采用的是____排序算法。【填写二个汉字】 A2_Sort(LineList r[],int n) { int i,j,jh; for(i=1; i r[j+1].key) { r[0] =r[j]; r[j] =r[j+1]; r[j+1]=r[0]; jh =1; } if(jh == 0) return; } }
【单选题】凡在中国境内销售、使用的医疗器械应当按照《医疗器械说明书、标签和包装标识管理规定》要求附有下面哪些内容?() ①说明书②标签③包装标识④价格
【简答题】&8226;You work for a sports center. You have been asked to write a short report that will appear in a newsletter for the sports centre's members. &8226;Look at the graphs below, on which you have alre...
【简答题】下面给出的排序子函数采用的是____排序算法。【填写四个汉字】 A4_Sort(LineList r[], int n) { int i,j,k; for(i=1;i <= n-1;i++) { k=i; for(j=i+1;j <=n;j++) if(r[j].Key < r[k].Key ) k=j; if(k !=i) { r[0]=r[i]; r[i]=r[k]; r[k]=r[0]...
【简答题】下面给出的排序子函数采用的是____排序算法。【填写二个汉字】 A3_Sort(LineList r[],int first,int end) { int i,j; LineList temp; i=first; j=end; temp=r[i]; while(i < j) {while(i < j && temp.Key <=r[j].Key) j--; r[i]=r[j]; whi...
【简答题】下面给出的排序子函数采用的是____排序算法。【填写四个汉字】 A1_Sort(LineList r[], int n) { int i,j; for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { r[0]=r[i]; j=i-1; while(r[0].key
【简答题】甲商场出售一批皮包,单价为3880元,商场在制作价格标签时,识将3880元写成了388元。唐某来逛商场觉得价格便宜,决定买一个。商场售货员孔某第一天上班,对商场不熟悉,就将该包以388元卖给了唐某,后商场发现了此事,要求唐某退货或补足价款。磨某拒绝,引起纠纷。 问: (1)唐某与甲商场之间的买卖合同效力如何?为什么? (2)甲商场处是否有权要求唐某退货或补足价款?为什么?