How to save money Everyone knows that they should try to save money, but in reality, many people still have trouble doing it. Here are some ways to help you save. Firstly, you should open a bank account that is just for saving. Put a percentage of your salary in that account every month and try not to touch it. Make sure that you set a reasonable saving goal. For example, it would be unrealistic for most people to save half their salary ecery month--a realistic percentage would be ten or even five percent. Secondly, you should make a monthly budget. Write down what you spend money on each month, as this will help you see where you could make savings. Keeping all your receipts is a good way to help you see if you are spending money on things you don't need. Thirdly, you should remove unnecessary items from your budget. For example, you could trade in your expensive car for a cheaper one that uses less gas. Another major way to save is to find cheaper housing. Consider moving to a less convenient area or living in a smaller house for a while. In the end, saving money is about sacrifice -- if you sacrifice some things in the present, you may have a better future.