【简答题】Translation Immunology is the study of immunity or a person‘s ability to resist disease.Following the publication of Jenner"s findings,vaccination as a means of pring smallpox became widely used ...
【单选题】One of the followings is the translation of the Chinese sentence "叙事能力不仅给医生提供了解患者的途径,而且给予医生了解疾病本身的新方法。” You are required to select it.
Narrative competence helps a doctor quickly and accurately hear and interpret what a patient tries to say.
Narrative competence requires a combination of textual skills, creative skills, and affective skills .
Narrative competence gives the doctor not only the means to understand the pateint, but fresh means to understand the disease itself.
Narrative competence includes an awareness of the ethical complexity of the relationship between teller and listener, a relationship marked by duty toward privileged knowledge and gratitude for being heard.