【单选题】A housewife is _______ divorce claiming the family's talking bird dropped clues on her husband' s illegal affair.
【简答题】My mother-in-law, Dorothy, is showing me the red notebook that’s almost as precious to her as my husband’s baby pictures. Inside the notebook is a list of the books she has read since 2007. For some p...
【判断题】甜瓜主蔓生长势较弱,侧蔓生长十分旺盛,长度往往超过主蔓。 ( )
【多选题】下面是一位同学和英语老师在QQ上的聊天记录, 选择合适的选项补全对话。
improve your speaking skills
introduce other skills
remember the new words
understand you Student: I find it difficult to __________ . What can I do? Teacher: You should write them down in your notebook and read them every day. Student: How to ________and have a lot of fun? Teacher: You may listen to some English songs. Student: I’m poor at speaking. Teacher: You can _______ by talking with foreign friends. Student: Sometimes I can’t _________ . Teacher: You can ask me to repeat. Student: Would you like to ______ to the whole class? Teacher: Ok. Student: Thank you very much! Teacher: Don’t ______ .
【简答题】市场上某债券价格为1032.15元,面值1000元,票面利率9.8%,一年支付一次利息,下次支付利息是1年后,距到期还有20年,投资者预计5年后该债券将会以面值被发行人赎回,投资者还预计五年内前2年的利息可以按照8%的利率水平进行投资,后3年的利息可以按照7.6的利率水平进行投资,则被赎回时该债券的总收益率为( )(结果保留小数点后两位)
【单选题】依据《招标投标法》的规定,招标人以不合理的条件限制或者排斥潜在投标人的,对潜在投标人实行歧视待遇的,该违法行为招标人应承担( )。
【判断题】在PhotoshopCS3中,系统提供了4种屏幕显示模式。分别为( 标准 ),( 全屏 ) ,( 最大化 ) 和( 带菜单的全屏 )
【简答题】色环上的色彩相邻关系小于 度 ,属 同类色相对比