【判断题】The passage you are going to hear is about what small talk is, who and why people make small talk. Look at the following statements with information about small talk. Predict which of them will be men...
【多选题】When do people make small talk?
when they feel comfortable talking with other people.
the first time you see or meet someone on a given day
at the beginning to the first meeting.
during a break in a meeting or presentation
【单选题】2008年北京举行奥运会,餐饮服务成为北京奥运会成功举办的关键,不仅满足来自各国和地区运动员,关于饮食需求,还保证奥运会期间的卫生安全。北京奥运会的餐饮服务肯定有其自身特点,下列不符合该餐饮特点的是( )
【单选题】(112~115题共用题干) 患儿,5岁,体重25 kg,在家玩耍时不慎打翻开水瓶,双下肢被开水烫伤后皮肤出现大水疱、皮薄,疼痛明显,水疱破裂后创面为红。 该患儿的烧伤面积为
【简答题】(A). You are waiting for a train. There's a foreigner there. Can you make a small talk with him? (你正在和一位外国游客一起等火车,试着编一个闲聊的对话吧!) (B). Your friend invited you for a party. Write a thank-you letter and r...
【单选题】做水泥标准稠度用水量试验,标准稠度用水量为25%,用水为( )g。
【单选题】患儿,5岁,体重25kg,在家玩耍时不慎打翻开水瓶,双下肢被开水烫伤后皮肤出现大水疱、皮薄。疼痛明显,水疱破裂后创面为红色。 该患儿的烧伤面积为( )