【单选题】The poem is attributed to one of Emily Dickinson’s.
【单选题】Which of the following statements about irreversible inhibitors is wrong?
The irreversible inhibitors bind covalently with or destroy a functional group on an enzyme that is essential for the enzyme’s activity, or they form a highly stable noncovalent association.
Formation of a covalent link between an irreversible inhibitor and an enzyme is a particularly ineffective way to inactivate an enzyme.
Irreversible inhibitors are a useful tool for studying reaction mechanisms.
Amino acids with key catalytic functions in the active site can sometimes be identified by determining which residue is covalently linked to an inhibitor after the enzyme is inactivated.
【单选题】To fight against computer crimes, a computer system needs a sure way of identifying its right users and rejecting those who are not entitled to use it. The identification system should be quick, simpl...
【简答题】已有定义“int b=7;float a=5,c=4.7;”,则表达式“a4-(int)(b/2*(int)(a+c)/2)%4”的值是______。
【简答题】甲公司为增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为13%,原材料采用实际成本法核算,发出材料采用先进先出法计价。2019年6月初,M材料库存5万千克,金额为36万元,“存货跌价准备——M材料”贷方金额为1万元,甲公司6月份发生的与M材料有关的业务如下: (1)5日,购入M材料10万千克,以银行存款支付价款60万元,增值税税额7.8万元,材料尚未收到,10日该批M材料运达企业并验收入库。 (2)12日,销...
【简答题】Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted A local government housing department (LGHD) has funds which it is proposing to spend on the upgrading of air conditioning systems in its housing invento...