请阅读下列程序代码,然后将程序的执行结果补充完整。横线处应填写的内容是( )。 程序代码: public class throwsExeeption{ static void Proc(intsel) throws Arithmetic Exception,Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception{ System.out.println('InSituation'+sel); if(sel= =0){ System.OUt.println('noException caught'); return; } else if(sel= =l){ int iArray[]=newint[4]; iArray[1]=3; } } public static void main(String args[]){ try{ Proe(O); Proc(1); } catch(Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception e){ System.out.println('Catch'+e); } finally{ System.out.println('inProcfinally'): } } } 执行结果: In Situation 0 no Exception caught in Proc finally