【多选题】一般从哪两个方面评定儿童句子的发育?( )
【简答题】已知命题 p:7=3+2.q:2>3, 则命题 p^q 是 _______________ (填“真”或“假”)命题
【简答题】已知命题P:函数f(x)=(7-3m) x 是增函数命题q:方程4x 2 +4(m-2)x+1=0无实根.若p或q为真,p且q为假,求实数m的取值范围.
【简答题】已知命题p:?a 0 ∈R,曲线x 2 + =1为双曲线;命题q:x 2 -7x+12<0的解集是{x|3 ①命题“p∧q”是真命题; ②命题“p∧ q”是假命题; ③命题“ p∨q”是真命题; ④命题“ p∨ q”是假命题. 其中正确的是________(填序号).
【简答题】阅读理解。 The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you rea...
【单选题】The weight limit for each piece of luggage is () kiloograms.
【单选题】已知“命题p:(x-m) 2 >3(x-m)”是“命题q:x 2 +3x-4<0”成立的必要不充分条件,则实数m的取值范围为( )