【简答题】Listen to dialogue 3 and choose the information you hear. U3 Dialogue 3A. Thecustomer makes a complaint about the watch he bought.B. Theclerk will report to the manager about the watch.C. Thecustomer ...
【简答题】Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once. Tom: Excuse me. I’m from our school newspaper. My classmates and I would like to intervi...
【单选题】与行政审批制相比,证券发行核准制的特点包括( ) I、由保荐机构培育、选择和推荐企业 II、发挥发行审核委员会的独立审核功能 III、公司发行股票的首要条件是取得指标和额度 IV、证监会逐步转向强制性信息披露和合规性审核
【简答题】党的以来行政审批制度改革的特点包括( )。 A、以激发市场活力为出发点推动简政放权 B、深化改革与厉行法治协调同步 C、行政审批制度改革程序严格 D、实施相对集中行政处罚权
【简答题】Choose the best response from A to G in the box to complete the dialogue. Each choice should be used only once. Tom: Excuse me. I'm from our school newspaper. My classmates and I would like to intervi...