【多选题】有些食用菌在人工培养条件下不易形成子实体,也不产生菌核 ,是以特殊结构的菌索来进行繁殖的,如( )
【判断题】To maximize revenue, managers can monitor the changes in guest rooms supply and demand through the booking system, and decide on whether to let the low price level guest in, or only open to higher pri...
【简答题】长春市瀚博汽车配件商行与王一策合同纠纷案 事实:2015年4月24日王一策与瀚博商行授权的委托代理人张宏昱签订了股权合同一份,合同约定:“一、入股范围为企业内部员工”;“二、......2.该股份享受企业该年度纯利润的收益权,参与分红......4.该股份不享受企业的管理权,管理权由公司董事会按职务分配,5.该股份是给与公司在职员工的激励,受益权仅限于公司在职员工”;“五、......3.本次入股...
【多选题】关于水泥的凝结时间说法,不正确的是( )。
【判断题】To maximize revenue, when the hotel is almost booked, even if there are still unoccupied rooms, guests that plan to stay more nights will have higher priority in booking the rooms than guests that onl...
【简答题】阅读下列材料: 材料一:(清雍正帝)“朕现四民之业,士之外,农为最贵,凡士农工商贾,皆赖食于农,故农为天下之本务,而工贾皆其末也。今若于器用服玩,争尚华巧,必将多用工匠,市肆中多一工作人,则田亩中少一耕稼之人。……惟在平日留心劝导,使民知本业为贵,崇尚朴实,不为华巧,如此日积月累,遂成风俗,虽不必使为工者尽归于农,然可以免为农者相率而趋于工矣。”——摘自《世录》 材料二:“夫商为中国四民主殿,...
【单选题】If a firm seeks to maximize total revenue, it should produce the quantity where:
marginal revenue equals zero.
elasticity of demand is less than one.
elasticity of demand is greater than one.
marginal revenue is maximized.
【判断题】Revenue management adjusts the pricing and available supply of assets to maximize profits.
【判断题】If he produces anything at all, a profit-maximizing monopolist with some fixed costs and no variable costs will set price and output so as to maximize revenue.