【判断题】颞骨岩部后面的中央有一较大的孔,叫内耳门。由此向外通入外耳门。( )
【简答题】Evidence shows that most people are worried about toy advertising on television.
【单选题】As shares continued to() (贬值) on the stock market , people worried a lot.
【单选题】A recent survey __________ that the majority of people are worried about the present high price of apartments in cities. [ ]
【单选题】Many people are worried about the effect of _______on local culture.
《最高人民法院关于适用 < 中华人民共和国行政诉讼法> 的解释》
【单选题】抗休克治疗时能直接输注用来补充血容量的是 g/L。