【单选题】在世界的各个地区,原油品种有很大差别。按重度分,有轻、中、重三种;按含硫量分,有低硫、含硫、高硫三种。原油品种可分为低硫轻油、含硫轻油、含硫中油和重油、高硫中油和重油等。低硫轻油经济价值最高,它主要分布在什么地区:( )
【单选题】After an hour's discussion, the curriculum designers and computer programmers reached a consensus: that the new package of language learning materials should be both amusing and ______ for the users.
【简答题】国内航空运输是指根据当事人订立的航空运输合同,运输的( )均在中华人民共和国境内的运输。
【单选题】Which is not mentioned as the characteristics of programming?
Most of the programmers are males.
Managing programmers is considered as very challenging.
It does not matter much whether to observe a fixed schedule.
【单选题】Beyond that, programmers should ________ the particular NC machine, its capabilities, and specific codes.
【简答题】厄瓜多尔情人玫瑰 2 月7号,早上6点20分,厄瓜多尔凯扬波镇。玛莉亚·帕齐科坐上公司班车去上班。她戴上厚厚的塑料手套,在白色传统刺绣连衣裙外面系上围裙,拿起大剪刀,准备开始一天漫长的工作。要是其它时候,玛莉亚只要工作到下午两点就可以了。但情人节前这个星期不同,玛莉亚可能要和农场上84个同事一起工作到下午五点钟。到时候,玛莉亚会剪下1000多朵玫瑰花。 几天后,玛莉亚剪下的玫瑰经冷冻、空运,然后以...