【单选题】Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ______ be able to walk.
【简答题】Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ___________ (决不能行走).
【单选题】Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ______ be able to walk.
【单选题】Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would never be able to walk.
【简答题】Without the friction between our feet and the ground, we (not, be) ______ able to walk.
【单选题】患者,男,60岁,主诉:咳嗽、痰中带血3+月,突发咯血500ml伴呼吸困难2小时。既往:吸烟30年,20支/日。查体:右肺呼吸明显降低,叩诊实音。右侧锁骨上淋巴结肿大。 患者呼吸困难原因是( )