【多选题】病例摘要:女性,50岁,咳嗽、咳痰1月,咳少量黏稠痰,伴盗汗、乏力,期间曾有高热、咯血,无胸痛、气促,曾在当地医院予"阿莫西林""环丙沙星"等抗感染治疗1周,症状一度减轻。近2周来上述症状又反复,无发热,遂入院诊治。起病以来,患者精神、食欲欠佳,大小便尚正常。既往有糖尿病病史3年。血常规:WBC9.1×10 9 /L,N0.72,RBC3.4×10 9 /L,Hb97g/L。
【简答题】6 Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your...
【简答题】Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your f...
【简答题】Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your f...
【简答题】Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital.Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your f...
【简答题】6 Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your...
【简答题】6 Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your...
【简答题】Imagine you are Sue, and your partner is Ken. Your English teacher, Linda has been in hospital. Now she is fully recovered and will leave the hospital today. You want to meet her there. You ask your f...