Translation for Important Words and Phrases (Unit2 TextA: A Life Full of Riches) P lease translate the following Chinese phrases into English by using the words in Unit 2 Text A : A Life Full of Riches . 1. 遭遇失败 2. 遭遇危险和死亡 3. 满足某人的好奇心 4. 在好奇心驱使下 5. 无可否认 .... 6. 否认考试作弊 7. 达到目的 8. 追求幸福 9. 追逐梦想 10. 打八折 11. 开户 12. 把......考虑在内 13. 捐赠 14. 与......形成对比 15. 古典音乐