【单选题】In a recent study on the connection between brain abnormalities and violent behavior, the researcher examined more than three hundred people who had engaged in unusually violent behavior. toward frien...
The incidence of brain abnormalities in the general population is as high as that in the group examined.
The brain abnormalities discovered in those studied are of two distinct kinds.
A wide variety of violent actions were exhibited by those studied.
Those studied in the experiment acted violently toward strangers as well as toward people they knew.
The study drew its subjects from a large geographical area.
【简答题】The jury will try a case of robbery with______(violent).
【简答题】[A] strong and determined [B] rough and violent [C] difficult, demanding
【单选题】提高司法公信力需要优化司法职权配置,在( )设立巡回法庭,审理区域重大行政和民商事案件
【单选题】提高司法公信力需要优化司法职权配置,在( )设立巡回法庭,审理跨行政区域重大政和民事案件。