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Ray Travers sat back at the large desk, and looked around his plush(豪华的)office.  He was tired Ray's eyes stopped at a painting on the wall.  It was a gift given by an old friend,Bull,as a farewell gift when he left his hometown  He recalled the life spent in that small town; pleasant times.  The many hours he spent talking to his good friend, and the tales he was told about hunting in the Africa of old. Memories flowed back more than ten years;  he remembered how he enjoyed hearing about the wonderful hunting,and how he wished he could have shared those times. Ray opened his desk drawer and brought out a wooden box. He opened the lid and exposed a work of art,a hand-made hunting knife.  This was a gift from Bull,given to Ray more than 20 years ago.  It was one of the first knives Bull had made, and Ray had called it 'Zambezi',the river where Bull had been so many times. He closed the box and sat upright at his desk;he was driving himself hard, and deserved a break.  Things were going well with the business,everything running smoothly.  He could afford a week off! He went back home.  A week in the hometown would be like going back in history. 'Man, it's going to be good,”Ray said aloud,as he turned onto the highway and watched the city lights fast disappearing,as he looked in the rearview  mirror.  The powerful car going  its way through  the night,  headlights  piercing(穿透)the darkness.  Memories danced through the man's mind.  Memories of good times,when he knew what it was to relax, to talk,and to really visit. Slowly entering town he looked around.  Ray sat in his car,  looking at the old building,smiling.  Inside it was almost as though it was the same people as 15 years ago. 小题1:We learn from the text that __________. A. Ray's old friend, Bull, is a painting artist B. Ray visited Africa together with Bull many times C. Ray and Bull often went hunting together D. Ray left his hometown more than ten years ago 小题2:Which of the following  words can best describe Ray's feeling about going back    home? A. Worried B. Excited C. Calm D. Nervous 小题3:It can be inferred from the text that________. A. Ray was a successful businessman B. Ray had a hard time in the hometown C. Ray's hometown was a small remote mountain village D. Ray was the first promising young man in the hometown 小题4:What may the author talk about in the paragraph that follows the text? A. Ray's childhood spent in his hometown. B. Why Ray left his hometown alone. C. The situation in Ray's hometown. D. How Ray went into business.
【单选题】The Wilson equation is the most widely used equation in engineering design. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
The high calculation accuracy of Wilson equation is due to the introduction of the concept of local composition and considering the effect of temperature on activity coefficient.
The Wilson equation is suitable for Polarity and association system
The thermodynamic properties of ternary system can be calculated by Wilson equation with parameters from binary system
Wilson equation can be used for liquid-liquid equilibrium system
【多选题】A fundamental differential equation obtained by combining the ( ).
continuity equation
flow law
equation of state
equation of motion
【单选题】Choose the better version of the sentences that best improve the original sentences. As we know, the current equation is different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, but no paper proposed the an...
T he current equation is different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, but no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor without referring to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor with no reference to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor without referring to to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor with no reference to how to design the inductor and how to select the power device and the heat sink.
【简答题】The most widely used equation for estimating visibility is the Koschmeider equation: (2.4) where L V is the visual range, the distance at which an average person can barely distinguish a dark object (...
【单选题】Choose the correct Yang equation
γ SV =γ SL +γ LV cosθ
γ SL =γ SV +γ LV cosθ
γ LV =γ SL +γ SV cosθ
【简答题】Indicate whether the equation determines y to be a function of x . Match each equation with the corresponding answer. Choose the correct letter for each question.
【简答题】数量方程(quantity equation)
【单选题】Choose the better version of the sentences that best improve the original sentences. In this paper, another equation of the critical inductance is proposed and it is equivalent to the classical equati...
This pap e r proposes a new equation of the critical inductance - the function of the inverse voltage transfer ratio, which is equivalent to the classical equation.
In this paper, another equation of the critical inductance is proposed and it is equivalent to the classical equation, which is the function of the inverse voltage transfer ratio.
This paper proposes another equation of the critical inductance , which is the function of the inverse voltage transfer ratio. It is equivalent to the classical equation
In this paper, another equation of the critical inductance is proposed, which is the function of the inverse voltage transfer ratio and equivalent to the classical equation.
【简答题】Choose an equation and express it using one sentence.
【单选题】Choose the better version of the sentences that best improve the original sentences. As we know, the current equation is different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, but no paper proposed the an...
T he current equation is different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, but no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor without referring to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor with no reference to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor without referring to to how to design the inductor and select the power device and its heat sink.
Although the current equation is known to be different in CCM or DCM with different inductance, no paper proposed the analytical equation to describe it. This paper is devoted to the accurate equation of the inductor with no reference to how to design the inductor and how to select the power device and the heat sink.
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