【单选题】Most people agree hat the present role of women has already affected U.S.society.____,it has affected the traditional role of men.
【单选题】What he had in mind ______ to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive.
【单选题】(三) 某开发公司通过拍卖方式获得一块土地进行住宅开发建设,总地价7000万元,拟建设高层住宅。该用地土质较差,地下水位较高,在住宅建设时,需采取排水措施,并对地基采取人工加固措施。工程建设过程中,因资金缺乏,开发公司以在建工程抵押贷款,银行为避免贷款风险,不仅自己购买了保险,还要求开发公司购买保险。该住宅建成后,销售情况良好,其中90%的住宅全部销售完毕,剩余10%用作出租用房,并且还清了所有贷...
【单选题】H省Z房地产公司拟获得A市B县城市规划区内C村所有的集体土地从事经济适用住房的开发建设。C村原耕地面积为80hm 2 (公顷),农业总人口为600人,现征收C村基本农田以外的耕地30hm 2 ,该耕地被征收前3年平均年产值为600元。经商定,土地补偿费为该耕地前3年平均年产值的8倍;每一个需要安置的农业人口的安置补助费标准为该耕地被征收前3年平均年产值的5倍。被征收土地上的附着物及青苗补偿费为25...
【单选题】Which of the following best explains the low percentage of women chosen for international assignments in the United States? The traditional role of women as homemakers and caregivers does not allow fo...
The traditional role of women as homemakers and caregivers does not allow for international assignments
Women managers from the United States have a poorer track record when compared to their male counterparts
Prejudice faced by American women executives in foreign, male-dominated societies is exaggerated
There is a wide spread belief that roles of women in male-dominated societies precludes women from being successful in these societies