【单选题】柱构件在基础横向锚固区内箍筋的间距不大于( ) 。
【单选题】基础内横向锚固区箍筋直间距不小于( ) 。
【单选题】Press the white button on the armrest and lean _____ the seat at the same time.
【单选题】Press the white button on the armrest and lean ______________ the seat at the same time.
【单选题】如图表面粗糙度代(符)号中,Ra3.2的含义为( )。
【简答题】Press the white button on the armrest and lean ______________ the seat at the same time.
【简答题】基础内横向锚固区箍筋直间距不小于( ) 。A. 4d(d为搭接钢筋最小直径); B. 4d(d为搭接钢筋最大直径); C. 5d(d为搭接钢筋最小直径); D. 5d(d为搭接钢筋最大直径); E. 100mm;
【单选题】柱构件在基础横向锚固区内箍筋的间距不小于( ) 。
【简答题】Press the white button on the armrest and lean ______________the seat at the same time.