【简答题】小二班老师正在组织小朋友们进行户外教学活动活动安排在15分钟左右 活动进行到一半的时候突然天空中传来“嗡......”的声音飞机飞过上空 小朋友们都抬头望向天空不再看老师。 答题要点: 1.结合小班幼儿注意力发展的特点 说一说案例中小班的小朋友们注意力有什么特点? 2.给小班老师提出合理的建议 避免幼儿上课注意力分散。
【简答题】A.They want to be more powerful than other American minorities. B.They want to gain more economic benefits. C.They want to be united into a new political force. D.They want to be absorbed into America...
【简答题】A.They want to be more powerful than other American minorities. B.They want to gain more economic benefits. C.They want to be united into a new political force. D.They want to be absorbed into America...
【简答题】A.They want to be more powerful than other American minorities. B.They want to gain more economic benefits. C.They want to be united into a new political force. D.They want to be absorbed into America...