【单选题】How is the underlined word converted (a word changes its class without any change of its form)? For my 18th birthday, my dad asked me to deejay at the restaurant he owned.
【单选题】My dad asked me _____ on the road, it is too dangerous. [ ]
【单选题】My dad asked me to deejay at the restaurant __ he owned.
【单选题】基本周转轮系中,若无固定中心轮,且轮系自由度为2的轮系称为( ) 。
【单选题】周转轮系中,两个中心轮都可动,自由度为2的轮系称为 。
【单选题】患者,男,36岁。右下腹疼痛1天。患者1天前无明显诱因出现脐周疼痛,继而转移至右下腹,以手按之,其痛加剧,痛处固定不移,伴有发热,恶心,舌苔黄薄而腻,脉弦数。治疗应首选( )。