【简答题】( 1 )在数据库 test01 中创建表 stud ,包含数据如下: Studentno nchar(10) NOT NULL, Sname nchar(8) NULL, nchar(1) NULL, Age int NULL, Classno nchar(6) NULL ( 2 )为表添加数据: '1622130018',' 李文平 ',' 女 ',1...
【简答题】Listen to a dialogue and fill in the blanks. A: Mr. Lin, I'm anxious to know about your offer. B:Well, we've been holding it for you, Mr. Smith. Here it is. 500 cases of black tea, at $ 20 per kilogra...
【简答题】( 1 )在数据库 test01 中创建表 stud ,包含数据如下: Studentno nchar(10) NOT NULL, Sname nchar(8) NULL, nchar(1) NULL, Age int NULL, Classno nchar(6) NULL ( 2 )为表添加数据: '1622130018',' 李文平 ',' 女 ',19,'16 计本 ' , '162...
【单选题】青年风格派重要人物( )的设计作品可以看做是德国新艺术运动从自然风格走向理性思考的代表。
【简答题】已知数据库“YGGL”,数据库包含employees、department、salary三个表格,表格如图: 1、建立数据库及三个表格; 2、现根据公司调整,对数据库做出相应改变: 1成立销售部。部门代码为6,备注筹建中; 2销售部新进一名员工600001,张三,本科,1999-08-03, 男, 2 ,解放路10号; 3由于朱俊表现优异,收入增加1000元; 4将已经辞职的王林的信息在数据库中删...
【单选题】—Mr. Smith, I don’t think I can get along with my classmates as a new student. --_____,Tom. Everything will be fine.
【单选题】听力原文:M: Mr. Smith is talking about getting a dog from one of his friends. W: Yeah. I hear his apartment building is about to remove the ban on pets. Q: What does the woman mean? (15)
Animals will soon be allowed in Mr. Smith's building.
Mr. Smith is allergic to dogs.
She also plans to get a pet.
Mr. Smith will get a lift to his apartment from a friend.