【单选题】Which of the following arguments is an ad hominem?
It’s true that John blurted out in court that the defendant was guilty, but John wasn’t entitled to speak on that occasion, so you must ignore what he said.
John said that the defendant was guilty, and John’s testimony is as reliable as anybody’s, so you should conclude that the defendant is guilty .
John said that the defendant was guilty, and in fact the defendant is guilty, so John spoke the truth.
John said that the defendant was guilty, and Jane said that too, so Jane corroborated John’s testimony.
【单选题】李奶奶,丧偶,70岁,患糖尿病25年,近期出现了视力模糊,看不清东西的现象,生活基本不能自己完成,无法独立进食,需要照护人员喂食。既往进食时,李奶奶有过呛咳和被食物烫到等现象,故每到照护人员进食时,李奶奶会担心、紧张。又到早饭时间,最护人员小罗需要帮助李奶奶进食青菜粥。 对于视力障碍但可以自己进食时,照护人员应如何告诉食物
【单选题】Which of the following arguments is an ad hominem?
It’s true that James blurted out “checkmate” during the , but he wasn’t even one of the players, so you must ignore what he said.
James said “checkmate” during the , and James’s testimony is as reliable as anybody’s, so you should conclude that there is a checkmate.
James said “checkmate,” and in fact there is a checkmate, so James spoke the truth.
James said “checkmate,” and Jane said that too, so Jane corroborated James’s testimony.
【单选题】李奶奶,丧偶,70岁,患糖尿病25年,近期出现了视力模糊,看不清东西的现象,生活基本不能自己完成,无法独立进食,需要照护人员喂食。既往进食时,李奶奶有过呛咳和被食物烫到等现象,故每到照护人员进食时,李奶奶会担心、紧张。又到早饭时间,最护人员小罗需要帮助李奶奶进食青菜粥。 此时老年人可以采用的进食体位为
【单选题】李奶奶,丧偶,70岁,患糖尿病25年,近期出现了视力模糊,看不清东西的现象,生活基本不能自己完成,无法独立进食,需要照护人员喂食。既往进食时,李奶奶有过呛咳和被食物烫到等现象,故每到照护人员进食时,李奶奶会担心、紧张。又到早饭时间,最护人员小罗需要帮助李奶奶进食青菜粥。 如照护人员喂食,食物量应为汤匙的( )为宜
【单选题】Which of the following arguments is an appeal to authority?
It’s true that James blurted out “checkmate” during the , but he wasn’t even one of the players, so you must ignore what he said.
James said “checkmate” during the , and James’s testimony is as reliable as anybody’s, so you should conclude that there is a checkmate.
James said “checkmate,” and in fact there is a checkmate, so James spoke the truth.
James said “checkmate,” and Jane said that too, so Jane corroborated James’s testimony.
【单选题】李奶奶,丧偶,70岁,患糖尿病25年,近期出现了视力模糊,看不清东西的现象,生活基本不能自己完成,无法独立进食,需要照护人员喂食。既往进食时,李奶奶有过呛咳和被食物烫到等现象,故每到照护人员进食时,李奶奶会担心、紧张。又到早饭时间,最护人员小罗需要帮助李奶奶进食青菜粥。 李奶奶进食好,需要保持体位( )分钟后再卧床休息,以防止食物反流