【简答题】一只胖乎乎的企鹅得意地说: “ 别 CALL 我, QQ 我! ” 这是眼下一张时尚海报的画面,这只企鹅正在网络的世界里轻舞飞扬。以这只企鹅为形象的各种品牌衍生物正在新浪等知名网站的显赫位置出售。 如今 QQ 已经占据了中国 95% 的市场,已经名列 ICQ 产品的世界第三位。这还不算,到今年年底,国内的商场里就会上市内嵌着 OICQ 的 VCD 、 DVD 、电视机,甚至是国外手机巨头的新款手机...
【单选题】听力原文:After Susan carefully explained her ideas at the board meeting last week, the directors all voted for the change she's made concerning the proposed project. (22)
The board of directors asked about the changes.
The board of directors decided to invest more on the project.
The board of directors approved the revisions.
The board of directors could not understand her explanation.
【简答题】A.He was told to board the wrong plane. B.He was not allowed to board the plane. C.He arrived at the airport without a ticket. D.He found it difficult to explain why he arrived so early.
【单选题】亚马孙丛林中的雄性蓝蝶带有彩虹般的蓝色光辉,半公里外就能看到。其光辉如此强烈,有的竟能反射 70% 的蓝色光线,远远超过蓝色涂料的反射率,蓝蝶耀眼的光辉,原是一种警号,使别的雄性蓝蝶在远处就能知所趋避。蓝光越强,示警作用越显著。物竞天择,适者生存。亿万年的自然选择,使亚马孙蓝蝶翅膀有了如此奇妙的性能。 这种性能,早在一百多年前就被人发现。但其奥秘直到最近才被揭开。原来蓝蝶翅膀上覆盖着许多微小鳞片(...
.反射 70% 以上的蓝光,远远超过蓝色涂料的反射率。
【单选题】A US coal producer agreed to pay ________ total of $ 209 million for the mining accident that killed 29 people,________ worst such disaster in 40 years in the US.
【简答题】阅读下面的文字,回答 18 ~ 20题。 材料一 2004年中国就已经 是 世界 上最大的 垃圾 生产 国。 目前全国生活垃圾年产量为 4亿吨左右,并以大约每年8%的速度递增。 垃圾在不分类的情况下,往往只有两种处理方式,填埋和焚烧。然而,填埋浪费土地资源,产生有害渗滤液,存在污染土壤和地下水的隐患;焚烧会产生有害的灰渣和气体。那些未经安全处理的垃圾, 兜兜转转, 甚至可能 回到 我们 的身体内。...
【单选题】The process of rescuing trapped miners is slow due to
the difficulties of getting down into the coal mine.
the great casualties of the mining accident.
the risk of catching infectious disease.
the continuous blasts inside the coal mine.
【简答题】BEIJING — The rescue operations at a coal mine accident have ended with 105 miners dead. The State Council has organized an investigation team to probe (调查) into what caused the disaster in the city o...
【单选题】According to this news, how many people died last year in the coal mining accident?