【单选题】According to the passage, the statement that best describes the writer's attitude is ______.
there are no ways to make workers more productive
workers want more variety, freedom and money, but shorter working time and less contribution
variety, freedom, contribution, more money and shorter working time seem possible factors leading to greater productivity, actually they are not or they are impossible
it is impossible to make workers work more productively, because the work they do is so boring
【判断题】网上调查或在线调查,是指企业利用互联网作为沟通和了解信息的工具,对消费者、竞争者以及整体市场环境等与营销有关的数据系统进行调查分析研究。( )
【单选题】根据《房屋建筑与装饰工程量计算规范》(GB50854-2013),关于现浇混凝土梁工程量计算的说法,正确的是( )。
【简答题】患者男性,18岁,晨起时肌肉酸胀,翻身和起床困难。近1个月内类似发作4次,均持续数小时完全恢复。查体:双上肢肌力3级,双下肢2级,腱反射减低,病理征(-),感觉无异常。心电图示ST段压低和U波。最可能的诊断是A、多发性肌炎 B、Guillain-Barre综合征 C、周期性瘫痪 D、进行性肌营养不良 E、急性脊髓炎 血生化检查可能表现为A、CK水平最高 B、神经节苷脂GM1抗体阳性 C、血沉增快 ...
【单选题】消费调查要对消费层次、消费要求、消费动机、消费方式等进行调查和分析,一般应在( )之后进行。